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We all need valid documents and training certificates

but do we keep track of all those documents?


Hereby we would like to give notice, that Ccrow stopped all operations due to serious illness of our founder and senior certificates controller Christian Brouyère who has been hospitalized since Monday November 19th 2018.

Our Vision.
ofw 2017.jpg

The growing offshore industry employs thousands of technicians, working on different projects, often traveling from one project to another.


This is a good thing for employment, but it creates challenges as well.  Keeping track of all their training certificates and documents are one of the biggest.

Ccrow gives you the chance to keep your eyes on your core business and we will take this administrative  task under our wings, keeping you informed at all times.

Our Solution.

We offer a low-cost registration solution for your documents  and training certificates in one central register, with qualified and dedicated personnel keeping track of all registered documents. Project and contractor personnel with expired qualification certificates or documents  will be a thing of the past.


Wouldn't it be nice if all documents were checked BEFORE people arrived on your project. They could start at you convenience. You would only need a couple of minutes to overlook the registration overview and see if all needed qualifications are there.


Nobody likes a pile of unchecked files like the picture above when arriving at work in the morning, every folder containing documents submitted by people wishing to start on your project. 

As documents are often submitted digitally, the pile-up in your mailbox as a result, have to be checked, before approval can be given to start work.  Often you have no idea if those documents are still valid when submitted, unless you check each and everyone of them.

Let’s take the our sample file for Mr. John Doe,  offshore technician, born March 8th, 1983 in Kraków, Poland.

Sample of individual files, before registration

Sample of the total overview, after registration

Our Services.

We register all submitted documents in our central certificates register with issue and expiry dates, document type, registration numbers and all relevant info mentioned on the document.

When a document is about to expire you will receive a notification for the document that needs to be updated, giving you enough to replace the document or renew some training courses.

All types of documents can be submitted even if you don’t need them for your job.  You will still get a total overview of your submitted documents.

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